Director Gil Portes studied the lives of ‘comfort women’, Fillipina women who were sexually enslaved by Japanese soldiers, and decided to focus this unique film on the issues of gays, transvestites, and transgenders who also suffered during this time.
This film tells the true story of Walter “Walterina” Markova, a transvestite during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.
The story is set in present day with Walter Dempster Jr, alias Markova, re-iterating his life story to a doubtful reporter. He re-tells the abuse he faced from family and friends in childhood, and onto the violence he would encounter from Japanese soldiers who originally believed him to be female.
One Japanese officer became smitten with Markova, but upon undressing her, he discovers a little his shock and horror he orders Markova and fellow drag queen comrades to be sent to prison, trying to lock away the humiliation and shame he felt over his sexual attraction. There, Markova and the others are forced to "service" rank-and-file Japanese soldiers, their rapes depicted in unremitting brutality. But the five "sisters" end up plotting their revenge.
Filipino comedian Dolphy excels as the queeny but noble Markova in old age, with brilliant performances by his two sons, Jeffrey and Eric Quizon, of Markova as a handsome adolescent and young man. All three won the Best Actor awards at the Brussels Independent Film Festival—as well as the Best Actress awards!
Director: Gil Flores
Cast: Dolphy Quizon, Eric Quizon, Jeffrey Quizon